I talk about stress a lot because most people are walking around burnt-out and overwhelmed with tasks and busy schedules. Many people don’t even realize how stressed out their nervous systems are until they’re forced to slow down- they either go on vacation and find they can’t relax or they get sick (we’ve all experienced that “run-down” feeling).

What I’ve come to understand is that by incorporating wellness/self-care practices into our everyday routines, we can actually regulate our nervous systems and avoid the burn out altogether.

Here are some of my favorite practices I do on a regular basis to support keeping my stress levels low (in no particular order):

  • Long walks

  • Wim Hof breathwork

  • Cold showers

  • Hot bath soaks

  • Hot yoga

  • Tapping (EFT)

  • Reading for pleasure

  • Meditation

  • Morning sunlight exposure

  • Time intentionally spent off phone

  • Cardiovascular exercise

  • Ice rolling, gua sha and facial massage

  • Aromatherapy

To clarify, I usually don’t get to do ALL of these every day (but it is possible), but I find that by making these practices a regular part of my week I end up feeling much more chill in general. Stress still appears in my life, of course, but I’m better prepared for it as I’ve been regulating my nervous system all along.

If you’re new to this “wellness” thing and need more guidance, send me a DM on Instagram or Twitter and let’s chat - I’d love to know more about where you are at with this.

Until then, pick one or two of these you think you’d like, and try adding them to your weekly routine! Let me know how it goes 😊

Wishing you less stress, and more chill.




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